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Monthly MBSR Alumni Practice Session

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Monthly Drop-in Practice Session
for MBSR Alumni 
5:30 –7:30 PM EDT
March 21st 2021
Online via Zoom

Tuition: by donation. No one is turned away.
Join us for this monthly practice group led by members MBSR Teachers Collaborative of Greater New York. Get support in maintaining or deepening your mindfulness practice and explore opportunities to cultivate mindfulness in everyday life. Re-connect with friends and meet others who are bringing these practices into their lives. Themes change every month, and teachers rotate.

Dates: Every 3rd Sunday of the Month, from 5:30 to 7:30pm

Suggested donation is $20, no one will be turned away.

Amy Gross

The more we practice, the more likely we are to see that peace is waiting for us right here. Not someday, in some idyllic condition, but right now, no matter how messy conditions are. Peace is available whenever we remember to come home to ourselves, to arrive at our own door. How do we get here? With mindfulness as our GPS, we find our way.

Come celebrate the end of this long, lonely winter and together we will cultivate the habit of dropping into our own home and tasting peace. We’ll talk a bit, ease into some mindful movement, and together, sit and feast on our lives

The time will come/when, with elation, /you will greet yourself arriving/ at your own door, in your own mirror, /and each will smile at the other’s welcome,/and say, sit here. Eat…” —“Love After Love,” by Derek Walcott

Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 847 8104 2412
Passcode: 326042

All donations will go to support New York Insight Meditation Center:

Note: this session is offered by the MBSR Teacher Collaborative of Greater New York

March 21

MBSR Practice Day

March 28

Half-Day Retreat