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Finding Refuge in the Triple Gem: Buddha, Dharma, Sangha

Jon Aaron

Multi-Day Retreat
Thursday, September 1st 6pm to Monday, September 5th Noon ET

Hybrid (In-person and Online via Zoom)
In-person Location:
The Garrison Institute at Garrison, NY 10524

An unexpected gift during these past harrowing times has been the development a rich practice through consistently showing up for each other on Zoom, in some cases day after day, for over two years now. Communal on-line meditation has emerged as a vital refuge for many of us. In yet another transition in the history of this pandemic, what might it be like to deepen this sense of refuge on the precious occasion of a residential retreat? How can we tenderly midwife our community into its next phase of being, in this endless flow of change? How do we mourn our losses and celebrate our joys through these times? How do we support our nervous systems to the adjustment to practicing in 3D and in hybrid ways?

This retreat is suitable for those newer to practice, as well as for those with an extensive “time on the cushion” and knowledge of the teachings. We will explore the themes in ways that are meaningful for all, whether anchored in the Buddhist tradition, in other traditions, or none.

The retreat will include:
• A spacious schedule, including time for naps, walks and just being in nature.
• A range of meditation practices rooted in the Buddhist tradition and designed to train the mind and cultivate the heart.
• Dharma talks exploring the themes of the retreat.
• Mindful movement sessions
• Opportunities for Buddhist chanting and ritual
• Meditation interviews with the teachers
• Listening circles
• Mindful social time at the start and the at end of the retreat to get to know each other in other ways than on Zoom! Otherwise, the retreat will be held in silence, so we can taste the deep nourishment that this can provide, especially communally.

Please review the Institute’s COVID protocols before completing registration.

Residential Fee (In-person participants only) + Teacher Support (Dana)

More information and registration here.

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Insight 101 – Six Week Beginner’s Course

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