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Awakening the Heart: Cultivating Wise Compassion and Mindfulness for the New Year

Kate Mitcheom
Lucia McBee

Multi-Day Online Retreat
Monday, January 3rd 6:00 PM - Monday, January 10th 10:00 AM EST

Begin the new year with this opportunity to deepen a personal mindfulness practice. This 7-day silent retreat will explore the foundations of mindfulness and the meditative practices of compassion, joy, equanimity and kindness through stillness and movement. Clear seeing and wisdom allow us to know our hearts and minds, as well as the nature of reality. Compassion connects us to everyone and everything, cultivating an open heart towards ourselves and the suffering of all sentient beings. 

An extended silent retreat is an opportunity to cultivate and embody awareness and compassion, supported by teachers and the teachings, and is appropriate for beginners or experienced meditators. The retreat will mirror a residential silent retreat and offering LIVE, daily instruction, daily Dharma talks and teacher support, community building in silence online through practice – book ended by opportunities to connect in small groups at the beginning and the end of the retreat. Silent periods of sitting, walking meditation and yoga will support a personal and embodied understanding of the theoretical teachings. An emphasis will be placed on movement practices and accessible yoga that focus on the inter-play between the mind and body.

Fees: Tuition $850
More information and registration here.

December 10

マインドフルネス瞑想会 (Japanese)

January 7

マインドフルネス・ストレス低減法 (MBSR in Japanese)